Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Glamour in the neighbourhood

The ruling government of the year 2002-03 was kind enough to convert a barren patch of land in my neighbourhood to what is now the JP Bio-diversity Park. This is the third largest park in the city after the Cubbon Park and Lal Bagh gardens and over the past few years the green cover here has greatly improved. The park's water body supports several water bird species and is home to a good number of Cat Fishes.

Winter is upon us in Bangalore and so is the migration season. And there is glamour in the nieighbourhood! A flock of Spot-billed Pelicans have made the JP Park lake their winter home! Pelicans have been common visitors in the Hebbal Lake area of Urban Bangalore but this is their very first visit to Mathikere. This is a promising sign for the Bio-Diversity park and definitely a feather in the park authorities' cap. The good work that they've done in grooming this very young park is finally paying off!

Pelicans huddle up in the lake at JP Park


Some common problems that I've noticed are the presence of a large number of aggresive and territorial crows and the proximity to humans. Though all is not rosy for the pelicans yet I am positive! I am sure they'll adapt to this habitat in a few days and make this a regular stopover in thier migratory path each year. 

Crow chaisng a Pelican out of the lake area

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