Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Birding pics from Byalkere and Hesaraghatta

1. First up is the Little Green Bee Eater.

2. The Purple-Rumped Sunbird

3. The Unidentified bird!

4. Oriental Magpie Robin

5. Nrityagram Amphitheatre

6. Prothima Bedi Temple, Nrityagram

7. Hesaraghatta Grasslands

8. Sujay reviewing his shots on the grassland


  1. I think the bird in photo #3 is a Drongo.

  2. Yes Chandan, thats a Drongo for sure! After my first visit, I realized they are quite common there.

  3. Hi, firstly - great pics!
    I was wondering if you have info about entering the byalkere sanctuary, since I heard it's a restricted area and one needs the permission of the Forest Department to go inside, though there's no info about how to take this permission!
